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BNEW Mobility

Innovation and Mobility: On the Road to a Sustainable Future
Mobility is the transversal axis linking the different verticals of the new economy. It is the economic thermometer of any society, as every organisation, business or otherwise, moves people and products directly or indirectly. The way we move and transport goods redefines the foundations of economic growth and improves quality of life, which is why it is key to adapt to the needs that arise by aligning with the objectives of a new economic model and a more efficient, intelligent, equitable and environmentally friendly future. The potential of driving sustainable mobility to transform cities and communities, reducing air pollution, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and improving quality of life while improving efficiency and reducing operating costs, is indisputable. This potential, based on the challenges we face, which are also opportunities, makes it a fertile field for the implementation of advanced technologies and a generator of new employment opportunities and also new training and knowledge transfer needs, as it is an area of constant innovation that requires a continuous flow of research, development and training. Based on this premise, experts and benchmark organisations will give us their vision in this first session that opens the sustainable mobility vertical at BNEW 2024.
07 October 2024
10:00 h CEST
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