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14 July 2021

Science Academy: promoting scientific vocations among young people as an innovation challenge

Boosting scientific vocations can become the best ally to respond to the main challenges for sustainable development, or to alleviate future health crises. The Covid pandemic has highlighted the importance of both the health system and research, showing meanwhile its shortcomings and, therefore, those of the University and pre-University systems. Science is complex and bringing it closer to high school students to motivate their interest and approach towards scientific and technological studies and their professional orientation towards research is a challenge. These are precisely some of the Science Academy objectives, the training and stimulation project for scientific vocations of the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation, which aims to train the best future scientists to become transformative actors and dedicate their talent, knowledge and motivation for the common good.

Science Academy proposes science, technology, food and nature programs to young pre-University students, where they learn in an innovative way about multiple scientific and technological disciplines such as biomedicine, supercomputing or astronomy. It always acts in collaboration with the best research centers and reference hospitals in Catalonia and abroad and with the help of active researchers and professionals. These centers, among which are the Hospital Clínic, the Alba Synchrotron, the IS Global or the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), among many others, actively participate in the projects proposed by Science Academy and open the doors of their laboratories and facilities to offer practical projects, in real research environments, to the young participants. Hospitals and research centers add this action to their scientific dissemination, addressing this community of talented young people, who will mark the future of our society. These programs offer direct contact with science and all its aspects and with professionals and environments that are set as benchmarks.

After more than 10 years in operation, programs such as Jóvenes y Ciencia (Science & Young People) or Locos por la Ciencia (Crazy about Science) have shown that the young people who participate show reinforced inspiration and competences, continue studying and linked to science in their academic and professional future and in many cases with a relevant itinerary. The ultimate goal of the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation and the Science Academy is to work with the best scientists of the present and prepare the best scientists of the future, while positioning Barcelona and its scientific ecosystem as a benchmark terri

Science Academy: promoting scientific vocations among young people as an innovation challenge
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