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09 September 2020

New challenges for cybersecurity

Implementing a mixed modality of face-to-face and remote work as a consequence of the Covid -19 pandemic has alerted the logistics world, even more if possible, on the cybersecurity problem. It never rains but it pours, because the companies and organizations fear of cyberattacks was already a serious problem before the health crisis. Now, this concern has increased with the massive irruption of teleworking with thousands of people working from points of connection scattered and far from offices.

This new work environment is characterized by flexibility and mobility of data, devices and employees. Thus, information systems and technological equipment of companies have become more vulnerable. According to experts, companies should not only focus on implementing the tools and working methods that allow them to keep their business active. It is very important that, in parallel, there is a consolidated cybersecurity strategy. And in this area, there is still a long way to go.

During the confinement, and afterwards, most companies have implemented the famous VPNs, namely, virtual private networks. It is a secure tunnel between an unknown network (the one that each user has at home) and the corporate network of the company. VPN networks allow multiple devices to be connected to the same network, even if they are not physically connected to each other. Access to these networks is encrypted with a password and IP number that makes it impossible for communication from the WiFi access point to be seen.

But virtual criminals have other ways of doing harm, for example, through video calls or email. In fact, Check Point, company specialized in cybersecurity, has warned in a study that in 46% of the attacks that Spanish companies have suffered during the last month before the end of the state of alarm, email has been the channel used.

In fact, this same security company, in another survey, indicates that 95% of those surveyed confirmed that they face more security challenges due to the spread of Covid-19. The three main challenges are the generation of secure remote access points for employees, the need for scalable remote access solutions and the fact that workers use shadow technology solutions which can jeopardize the security of equipment and access to critical information.


New challenges for cybersecurity
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